The Grinning Fool.

Kamor'a Xai.

Crystal | Mateus | PST

A boyish grin crosses the ebon Miqo'te face as crimson eyes smile upon you... "Well met friend, I am Kamor'a, pleasure to greet yee!" he says as he bites into a sandwich before removing a black flask from his jacket and taking a swig. "I hope you are ready for an adventure!" he says turning, he opens the door and takes a step out, looking back he nods in the direction he is walking, beckoning for you to follow!


“It is the method behind the madness that makes it madness.”



  1. Those who partaketh in the realm of reality should be privy to understanding its prioritization over fantasy. (Real life comes first!)

  2. I am open to Romance RP, and am new to ERP, however, I generally keep my RP centered around story progression... meaning things need to make sense and the work and time needs to be invested to create that environment.

  3. IC ≠ OOC. Well-versed in RP etiquette, do not blur the lines.

  4. 18+, especially if things start shifting to the Romance side of things.

  5. RP tag on = feel free to approach.

  6. Prefer in-game Role Play.

  7. Please no Lore-Thumpers, I like to be lore-friendly, but not to the point where it stifles creativity.

Hello fellow gamers! A little about myself, the writer behind Kamor'a.I started roleplaying in 2017 back in my Wildstar days. After the game shutdown, I moved to Final Fantasy XIV where I have been since. My roleplay has evolved over time, from where I started only doing combat/adventure style RP, to where I am today, enjoying all aspects that roleplay has to offer.Outside the roleplay world, I am an Active Duty Navy Chief Petty Officer. I have served my country for 19 years and -hoping- to retire here in the coming years. I am married to my handsome and loving husband for 10 years and we have two beagles.



  1. Social | Slice of Life.

  2. Personal Story Development.

  3. Long | Short-Term Plots.

  4. Friendship | Rivalry.

  5. Adventure.

  6. Dark | Mature | Romance.

  1. Mirror Style.

  2. Multi-paragraph.

  3. Internal Dialogue.

  4. Go with the flow.


Lady... yee have -no- idea...

Being weird is sorta my thing...

 Name.  Kamor'a Xai.
 Age.  Adult | Mid 20s.
 Race.  Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon.
 Nameday.  28th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
 Alias  'The Grimnning Fool' | 'Dragon's Fang'.
 Gender.  Male.
 Pronouns.  He | Him.
 Sexuality | Status.  Gay | Single.

 Height.  5'8".
 Weight.  170lbs.
 Hair Color.  Black | Red Highlights.
 Physique.  Athletic.
 Eye Color.  Crimson.
 Skin Tone.  Ebon.
 Notable Features.  Single scar running down the right side of his face. Hingan tattoos covering his arms, chest, legs, and back.

 Class.  Shinobi.
 Occupation.  Adventurer | Mercenary.
 Trade.  Journeyman Alchemist | Saké Brewer.
 Origin.  Othard - Nagxia.
 Tribe.  Noctua.
 Home.  Shirogane.
 Affiliation.  Shinku Tatsu Adventure Society.
 Alignment.  Neutral Good.

 Affinity.  Shadows.
 Attunement.  Umbra.
 Expertise.  Daggers | Swords | Poisons.
 Specialization.  Duel Weilding | Ninjutsu.
 Echo.  Danger Sense Minor.
 Racial Ability.  Night Vision.
 Racial Ability.  Enhanced Smell.
 Racial Ability.  Enhanced Hearing.
 Racial Ability.  Enhanced Reflexes.


Peach Saké


Boyish Grin


Pet Nicknames

"Sometimes a smile is the easiest way out of a difficult situation."

Combat Stats

Mana Pool★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

  Personality.     A goof ball by nature, Kamor'a comes off as eccentric and lively; exuding a natural aura about himself that speaks of boyish charm, adventure, and love for life. Adopted as a kit, he grew up outside of Miqo'te culture which often leaves him naive around his own kind, though he desperately wishes to fit in. A boyish grin is his signature feature, one he wears with pride or as a mask to hide the demons of his past. Never one to shy away from a proper fight, Kamor'a values strength in others and a proper show of power will gain respect from this warrior. Lackadaisical and nonchalant, Kamor'a will often deal with situation with a yummy sandwich in hand, he often misses the important details in favor of the insignificant ones, and is capable at keeping his calm in most difficult situations... mainly because he doesn't even realize how grave the situation is to begin with. His random thoughts and cheeky nature baffle most and his can-do attitude is contagious. One might argue that to befriend this weirdo, you either are crazy... or have the patients of a Saint!

Impossible is just a word for people convincing themselves not to try...

character stats.

Close Minded☆☆☆☆★★★★★Open Minded

I might be a fool, but I never claimed to be a blind one...


Mother | Nyx Xai | Deceased The matriarch of the once Noctua Clan, Nyx rose to power in her early 20s, a prodigy Sorceress, few dared challenge her for her position at the head of the clan. Nyx, along with most of the Noctua people, were murdered at the hands of 'The Order' on the eve of Kamor'a's birth.

Mother (Adoptive) | Akira Kokyu | 'The Dragon' Akira started her life as a squire of a prominent Hingashi Samurai lord. She was raised by the blade and became known for her unique spell blade fighting technique. During the Doman Liberation she quickly gained a reputation for her prowess on the battle field earning her the alias 'The Dragon'. When Kamor'a was entrusted to her to raise, she accepted the responsibility and raised him as her own along side her son, Hikira; giving them a similar upcoming to her own, one by the sword. Today, she enjoys her retirement from the battle field as the leader of Shuinku Tatsu Adventure Society.

Brother (Adoptive) | Hikira Kokyu | 'Dragon's Fang' Only a year older than Kamor'a, Hikira quickly and proudly adopted the role of 'Big bro' to Kamor'a. Hikira and Kamor'a were raised under the tutelage of their mother Akira. Through her guidance, Hikira was raised by the sword... his days spent with intense training, rigorous study, and strict routine. As he grew into a young adult, Hikira officially joined the ranks of the adventure society alongside Kamor'a where he stills serves to this day.

Uncle (Adotpive) | Cemi'to Epocan | 'Noctua Elder' One of the last two known survivors of the Noctua Tribe, Cemi'to escaped from the massacre of his people with a new born Kamor'a in tow. He traveled far to the island of Shirogane to escape pursuit from 'The Order' where he happened across Shinku Tatsu Adventure Society. Driven by a sense of vengeance, he entrusted the care of Kamor'a to Akira Kokyu while he traveled the lands seeking information on The Order. While not directly related to Kamor'a, he quickly became known as 'Uncle Cemi' to the young Keeper when he returned from his travels. At present, Cemi'to has decided to settle down and do his research from the safety of Shinku Tatsu.

Best Friend | Kororo Koro | 'Sister from another Mister' Whom ever said opposites attract hit the nail on the head with this eccentric friendship. Kororo is an unruly crime boss with a big heart and an even bigger knife. Her stance on the world is 'let it burn', often to the dismay of Kamor'a. Her taste in men is... many... and her out going personality makes her a perfect wingman. These two can often be found in the Sands or out and about at venues causing mischief in one form or fashion. Regardless of their flaws, Kamor'a and Kororo are unlikely friends who see each other through thick or thin, beware to any who come between them or choose to cause them or those they love harm.



are the garnish on a prime slab of perfectly pan-seared rakish charm...

lore: origin.

MANY MOONS AGO... within the swampy lands of Nagxia, hidden in the dense jungles just south of the One River, the Noctua Tribe resided. The Noctua were a clan of Keeper Miqo’te whom migrated to the Eastern lands after the Fifth Umbral Calamity. Here they had dwelled for many generations since adopting the Eastern culture. It was here, under the crimson light of the harvest moon, that Nyx Xai, matriarch of the Noctua, gave birth to her first-born son, Kamor'a. The celebration was meant to go well into the night, with spirits, music, and dance, but as the blood moon reached its zenith, disaster stuck from the shadows.

THE ORDER... an ancient clan of assassins known for their looting, and pillaging within the region had descended upon the unexpecting village of the Noctua. Bred and raised for murder, the assassins were swift and deadly, leaving carnage in their wake. Nyx, weak from child birth, along with her strongest warriors met the assassins on the field, but were cut down within moments, The Order to strong, to organized to match. Before making her final stand, Nyx trusted Kamor'a to her most trusted advisor, Cemi'to Epocan. With a heavy heart, Cemi'to made fast into the forest with Kamor'a, leaving behind his home, all whom he ever loved and all he had ever known.

ON A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT... a ragged Miqo'te limped through the streets of Shirogane, the cries of a babe drowned out by the patter of the falling rain. Despair gripped the man's heart, and hunger made him weak. The man hadn't eaten in days, all his provisions and coin spent to the care of the small bundle in his care, the small bundle which was all that kept him moving forward. As fate would have it, the man found himself in front of a large Manor, a warm, inviting glow drew his attention for reasons he knew not... or maybe it was the delicious smell of food that emanated from the place. The Miqo'te forced himself to move, one foot in front of the other... closer... closer... until he collapsed just feet from the door... the sounds of crying was all he heard as darkness took him.

SHINKU TATSU ADVENTURE SOCIETY... an upcoming adventure hub centered out of Shirogane... that was the place Cemi'to found himself awakening in. He learned he was discovered not long after he passed out in front of the manor. Lady Akari Kokyu, the Director of the Company had taken him and little Kamor'a into her care. After hearing his story, Lady Kokyu would offer Cemi'to sanctuary until he recovered. Broken inside, it would be many moons until Cemi'to recovered enough to find the strength to venture into the world again. Filled with a sense of vengeance for his fallen tribe, Cemi'to would entrust the care of Kamor'a to Lady Koku as he set forth back into the world to seek the power or the means to bring justice to those that took everything from him.

AS THE STORY GOES... a boy becomes a man... Kamor'a grew up under the tutelage of Akira Kokyu, a prominent warrior known for her prowess during the Doman Liberation. Through her guidance, Kamor'a and his big brother Hikira were raised by the sword... their days spent with intense training, rigorous study, and strict routine. As he grew into a young adult, Kamor'a officially joined the ranks of the adventure society that had been his family all his life.

PRESENT DAY... Kamor'a continues to train and hone his skills as a Shinobi. Lady Kokyu, deeming his training with her complete, has sent him into the wider world to learn from others and to gain knowledge one can only learn through real life experience. She has also tasked him to discover who he truly is, and to forge his own path... to not let the demons of his past dictate the course of his future. Something easier said than done as recent events have drawn the attention of The Order. Their motives and intention unclear, Kamor'a continues his day to day life, uncertain what tomorrow will bring...


Below is a list of possible points of interest that your character and mine might share. Any hooks marked with an ( * ) are rarer and circumstantial that will require OOC communication and/or time for the plot to develop.

The Anomaly

  1. Unique in appearance, his ebon skin and crimson eyes are not commonly seen.

  2. For those sensitive to aether, you notice Kamor'a's aether is unique, with a Crimson aura.

  3. Did he just pull a sandwich from his pocket? How strange... how did it even fit in there? By the look on his goofy face as he happily feast on the delicious snack, odd things probably are a common occurrence around the unique Miqo'te.

Common Trade

  1. Kamor'a carries himself as a warrior, to any trained in the art might see a kindred spirit in him, even when he isn't carrying his weapons.

  2. A Journeyman Alchemist and Novice Saké Brewer, Kamor'a prides himself on his craft. May-haps you purchased wares from him in the past or wish to make a new purchase in the near future.

Familiar Faces

  1. Being a Keeper of the Moon or Miqo'te, in general, may sway a natural kinship and comfort to approach him.

  2. (*)You were associated with the Noctua tribe in some manner, and/or you think you may recognize him.

  3. (*)You were associated with "The Order" in some manner, and you think you may recognize him.

World Traveler

  1. Adventuring tends to send Kamor'a all around the world. Mayhap you have seen the Miqo'te out and about on one of his trips.

  2. With a taste for saké, Kamor'a can often be found frequenting the Shiokaze Hostelry tavern in Kugane.

  3. Friends who reside in Ul'dah has Kamor'a often visiting the Quicksands for a drink and sandwich.

I'm horrible at breaking the ice. If you see me sitting around with my tags on and think you might wanna RP with my character, please I beg, just walk up or whisper me... Chances are I'm sitting there hoping someone finds interest in me and I'm just to chicken shit to do the thing I'm asking you to do... >.<


Crystal | Mateus | Shirogane (Sub) | Apartment 10